
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am Marina Cardeño Aguilar but you can call me nana for short. I'm 17 years old and turning 18 this coming november 15. Currently residing at Tango, Glan Sarangani Province. I studied at Glan, Padidu National High School grade 12 humss/gloria.  My height is 4'11 and my weight is 42kilos I'm the youngest of our siblings. My motto in life is " Always chase your dreams instead of running from your fears" 


  So facts about me, first I love traveling,biking and also I love sports like basketball, volleyball and badminton. Next I love plain t shirt color black and white. I don't like used make up and I hate wearing dresses. I like quiet and peaceful sorroundings like beaches and mountain. I can easily get upset and angry especially about thing that I don't like. I am soft hearted and approachable person. I am friendly but sometimes I am shy to socialize in other people. I am attracted to women. 


  I have a lots of friends but they are my favorite and my happiness. Sometimes we have arguments and this is a part of friendship. We are now six years of friendship and still counting. We can share our problems and happiness with our friends. Our friendship is very important to my life. Friendship does not involve in any hardship, it involves love and care to each other.My friends help me when I have a problem. I thank God for their life. I am afraid to lose them because I love them:) They are part of my life and I don't forget our memories together. For now we don't have communication because we are busy in studies.


 Sunset is my favorite view, sunset is the one way why I am still believe that not all endings are sad. Sunset are proof that endings can be beautiful too.  The sunset gives me a strength when I am down. Some times I go to te beach with my friends to watch sunset and  waves to refresh our mind. I think sunset is beautiful than others. I believe that every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Sunset reminds us that beautiful ending means a day well spent and a life well lived.♡


 First of all I thank God because he gives me a beautiful family. My mother's name is Mary C. Aguilar then my father is Napoleon G. Aguilar.The work of my father is a farmer and my mother is housewife. They are my inspiration to pursue my studies they are the reason why I'am still fighting despite of all  my problems. I'am so lucky to have them in my life even though we are poor but I am contented of what we have now. The most important things is we are healthy and we eat 3 times a day. My parents  are strict to me but I understand because of my safety and they care about me. I am spoiled with my father he give me what I want but he have a limit. I am so proud of my parents even though they did not finished  their studies and despite of the hardest situation of our life. They are my favorite person and also they are my happiness.